It often helps to see how a department is applying what they have learned about forms toward their department's needs.

Let us look at an example of an online form that Environmental Health has created. It is available at the following url:,,1954_43777_9001_43732,00.html

[ screenshot of Environmental Health website for visual reference ]

This form serves an application that users can fill out on the public facing Health Department website in order to review their files. Above the form, it even provides the user with basic information such as required response time. The advantage to the user is that this application form is available at all hours for them to access. They don't even need a paper form to get started on their application process. For the Health Department, this could help reduce the amount of time spent on meeting requests as well as environmental and economic costs in printing paper forms for every application to review files.

Case study text within the 2-page *technote newsletter, which I had initiated as a means to keep those informed after Vignette training of any updates as well as to showcase how other departments throughout the County were using the results of the training in their jobs. The newsletter topics were decided based upon feedback from the Web Advisory Group (WAG).