Contact Lenore
- More than 10 years of professional web design experience and detailed production knowledge, including cross-browser and cross-platform issues.
- Additional experience in web development, press design, and training.
- Experience in team leadership, client interaction, and inter-departmental relations.
- Experience in managing project timelines and goals.
- Extensive professional code/software experience: Photoshop, Illustrator, HTML, xHTML, DreamWeaver, Go-Live, Flash, ImageReady, Fireworks, BBEdit, Acrobat Professional, Word, PowerPoint, Excel, QuarkXpress, PageMaker, Vignette CMS (Content Management System), Audacity, FileMaker, Access, DHTML, Javascript, ActionScript, and creating SSL security certificates.
- Some professional experience in: Perl, ASP.Net, Java, JSP, JDBC and Oracle database connectivity, CVS, and SQL.
- MA Multimedia. California State University at Hayward, CA. June 2000.
- Thesis work devoted to Flash 4, advanced ActionScript, and wireless devices.
- BFA Communication Design. Kutztown University, PA. December 1997.
- Specialization in Graphic (Press) Design.
- BFA Fine Art. Kutztown University, PA. December 1997.
- Specialization in Fine Art Photography.
- Undergraduate minor in English for Creative Writing/Poetry.
- Completed an internship in press/web design and another in writing.
October 2007 - May 2009.
Office for University Relations. Urbana, IL.
Web/Marketing Coordinator.
January 2006 - October 2007.
University of Illinois College of Law. Champaign, IL.
February 2002 - April 2005.
County of San Mateo. Redwood City, CA.
Associate Systems Engineer.
- Connected 6 Oracle databases with JSP for online application written in JSP with login security
for prototype Finding Kids interface.
- Met with clients to develop project requirements, timelines, and proposals.
- Responsible for Section 508 (ADA) compliance and resolving cross-browser and cross-platform
issues for county websites.
- Created online discussion board and server log parsing script in Perl.
- Created and modified various types of inter-site searches in ASP.NET and SQL.
- Designed and developed website design and user interfaces for various County department internet
and intranet sites such as the San Mateo Medical Center, Stormwater Pollution Prevention Program, First 5, and more.
- Led training in Vignette Content Management System (CMS) for content managers.
- Created GIS informational trifold press brochure.
- Wrote training materials and documentation for several applications.
- Created on-demand and live video feeds for Public Health
July 2001 - January 2002.
Syncdek / AE Wood & Erickson. Berkeley, CA.
Database Programmer.
- Redesigned NASA Archives database using DHTML and FileMaker/Lasso.
- Ensured Section 508 (ADA) compliance.
- Resolved cross-browser and cross-platform issues.
- Developed Photoshop Action scripts to automate weekly image resizing.
- Created employee photo and bio database in FileMaker. Worked with Lingo scripting
language to publish online.
- Edited design and code for Safeway's internal marketing database.
August 2000 - May 2001.
Ampent (formerly San Francisco, CA.
User Interface Manager.
- Developed front end for online financial software application with real-time credit decisioning.
- Promoted inter-departmental communication and relations.
- Designed logo for our ingredient-branded b2b product.
- Rebuilt the site information architecture.
- Redesigned company website using DHTML.
- Developed web-based technical training manual for Client Services.
March 2000 - August 2000.
ComicsOne. Fremont, CA.
Senior Designer.
- Developed prototype website UI (user interface) and design layouts.
- Developed and created scripts for press and web image automation.
- Developed workflow production techniques and trained production staff.
- Hired and supervised production staff.
- Managed production schedules to meet publishing deadlines.
February 1999 - March 2000.
Move.Com (formerly Rent.Net). San Francisco, CA.
Creative Programmer.
- Acted as Interim Senior Designer.
- Trained Creative Programming staff in online advertisement.
- Led inter-departmental training for DreamWeaver.
- Ensured accuracy in prepress details for print brochures.
- Worked directly with clients to design and develop online ads and banners such as Republic Western Insurance Company.
- Created brand and co-brand banner ads
- Revised existing training methods and manuals.
October 1998 - January 1999.
iPrint. Redwood City, CA.
Graphic Artist.
- Web and press design for e-commerce online store including signage
proofs, graphics, banner ads, logo, press brochure, etc.
- Designed seasonal co-branded banners for Tripod and iPrint.
- Prepared 4-color prepress color separations of Stanford logo for screen printing.
April 1998 - September 1998.
Organic. San Francisco, CA.
Content Engineer.
- Assisted in hardcode HTML development for the extensive (8,000 - 9,000 pages) Nortel website.
- POC (Point of Contact) and Team Manager for one week while direct supervisor was off-site.
January 1998 - April 1998.
Early @ccess Internet Services. Kutztown, PA.
Graphic Designer.
- Designed various websites for ISP clients in the medical, real estate, community, and e-commerce industries
such as Piercing Pagoda and Berks County.
- Designed thumbnail graphics for Bayer.
- Developed tech support manuals for Macintosh users in both web and print formats.
Summer 1997.
Tom Sheehan Advertising. Reading, PA.
Freelance Designer and Writing Internship.
- Designed website for 19 North Records.
- Designed press logo for Reading physical therapy group and gave feedback on corporate identity.
- Partial writing internship writing employee manuals, press releases, and company memos.
March 1997 - May 1997.
ICON Services. Reading, PA.
Writing Internship.
- Edited Sovereign Bank computer-based training (CBT) modules for design
and writing content for online employee training on financial information.
August 1997.
WebCon Berks. Reading, PA.
Freelance Web Designer.
- Designed a five-page website for a podiatrist.
September 1996 - February 1997.
BCTV (Berks Community Television). Reading, PA.
Web/Graphic Design Internship.
- Wrote articles and designed BCTV newsletter. Designed T-Shirt logo.
- Designed original BCTV website and public kiosk navigation.
- Designed press Internet usage booklet.
January 2001 - Fall 2003.
College of San Mateo. San Mateo, CA.
Adjunct Faculty.
- Courses developed: Workflow Design I and II.
- Courses taught: Workflow Design I and II, Flash MX I and II, and Web Design Studio I and II.
January 2001 - Spring 2002.
Vista Community College. Berkeley, CA.
Adjunct Faculty.
- Courses taught: Web Design I and II.
- Early Career Excellence Alumni Award. Kutztown University. May 2008.
- Selection of graphic design (print) student work included in "A Typographic Workbook,"
authored by Kutztown University graphic design professor Ms. Kate Clair. Published by Wiley, NY. 1999.
- Fine art photograph accepted for exhibition in Pleiades Gallery. Broadway, NYC (SoHo).
Exhibition curated by Donald Kuspit, leading critic and art historian at SUNY at Stony Brook. 15th Annual Juried Exhibition. June 25-July 12, 1997.
- Alternative process photograph in the permanent collection of the Dean of the School of
Visual & Performing Arts at Kutztown University, PA.
- 2005-2006. Illinois. Champaign County. CASA (Court-Appointed Special Advocate).
- 2004-2005. California. San Mateo County. CASA (Court-Appointed Special Advocate).
Available upon request.